


Solution/project name: Ensuring the coordination of the traffic light control system for the non-stop vehicle movement on city highways.

Solution/project type: Development, production and implementation of equipment and software for traffic management systems.

Developer: OJSC «Svyazinvest».

Scope of application: Traffic and Transportation.

Implementation effect:

  • monitoring of the peripheral elements of the Automated Traffic Control System (ATCS) in order to improve the efficiency of transport and pedestrian flows management of the selected section of the city;
  • the possibility of their prompt redistribution;
  • dispatching, coordinated and adaptive control of both individual traffic light objects and groups of objects;
  • system monitoring of the state of the equipment of traffic lights, their operating modes, the presence of malfunctions and emergencies;
  • vehicle detectors’ data collection and analysis, video display from surveillance cameras;
  • visualization of operating modes of system objects.

Solution/project status: completed projects:

The Intelligent traffic control system based on cloud computing (hereinafter - ITCS) is the next stage in the development of automated traffic control systems (ATCS) using cloud WEB-technologies. ITCS allows monitoring and control of traffic in real time based on the use of global positioning and navigation systems, mobile gadgets and the Internet in order to improve the quality and safety of vehicle movement, as well as minimize time and material costs when vehicles move along specified routes.


Client specialized ITCS software based on cloud computing consists of:

  • state viewing and control applications;
  • administration applications.

ITCS based on cloud computing provides an opportunity for modernization and development, namely::

  • expanding interoperability with other systems in operation;
  • modernization, development, creation and implementation of new technical means;
  • further development of the functionality of the ITCS itself.

Server specialized ITCS software based on cloud computing consists of:

  • Database;
  • ITCS software interface;
  • authentication and authorization component;
  • digital map component;
  • component of communication with peripheral equipment;
  • component for collecting ITCS logs.

Climatic operating conditions of ITCS:

  • ambient air temperature - (25 ± 10)°С;
  • relative air humidity at a temperature of 25°С - (45-80)%;
  • atmospheric pressure - from 86 to 106 kPa, (from 645 to 795 mm Hg).

System requirements:

Server hardware requirements

The technical base of the ITCS server computing complex should provide the use of a server with the following minimum characteristics:

  • CPU with at least 8 cores and a clock frequency of at least 2.4 GHz;
  • CPU support for VT-x (Intel) / AMD-V (AMD) virtualization technologies;
  • RAM not less than 32 Gb;
  • disk space based on at least 2 SSD 512 Gb combined in RAID1.

Client’s technical capabilities

The technical base of the ITCS users workstation should provide the use of a PC with the following minimum characteristics:

  • CPU with at least 4 cores and a clock frequency of at least 2.4 GHz;
  • RAM not less than 8 Gb;
  • disk space based on SSD 512 Gb;
  • video card NVIDIA GeForce GT 710 1 GB or equivalent;
  • monitor not less than 22``;
  • keyboard and mouse;
  • Google Chrome browser version 80 or higher.

Zone controllers - ZC

ZCs is designed for autonomous control of road traffic controllers (RC) via wired communication lines using the ATCS exchange protocol (ATCS "Start", ATCS "Signal"), developed by Scientific and Production Organization «Avtomatika-D», Omsk, as well as for use as an adapter for road traffic controllers pairing with the equipment of the central control point (CCP) of the automated traffic control system (ATCS) or the cloud-based intelligent traffic system (the cloud-based ITCS).

ZC allows to switch coordination plans (CP) independently by the time of the day and days of the week, taking into account holidays. Evaluate the work of subordinate road controllers and keep the statistics of their work in non-volatile memory.

ZC implements the following functions:

  • information exchange between ZCs and RCs according to the standard ATCS protocol;
  • information exchange between ZCs and RCs of the new generation using the extended ATCS protocol;
  • provides up to 128 communication lines;
  • provides connection of up to 256 controllers;
  • autonomous coordinated control of the connected RCs;
  • autonomous switching of coordination plans by the time of the day and by days of the week;
  • dispatching control of controllers through ZCs;
  • controllers management through the ZCs in the tracking mode (“green street”);
  • control over the operation of communication lines;
  • autonomous collection of the controllers operation statistics;
  • automatic restart of its own processor in failure situations (stop, loop, etc.).

Technical characteristics of ZCs

In its entirety, the ZC consists of 16 zone modules of the same type, each of which provides:

  • number of wired communication lines with RCs: up to 8;
  • number of supported RCs: up to 16;
  • number of supported detectors (DT): up to 128;
  • number of coordination plans for each RC: up to 32;
  • the number of PC switching for each DC per day: up to 16;
  • number of statistics events for each RC: up to 1000.

In total, ZC provides:

  • number of wired communication lines with DC: up to 128;
  • number of supported DCs: up to 256;
  • number of supported detectors (DT): up to 2048;

Fully loaded the ZC has the following technical characteristics:

  • rated supply input voltage: 230V + 10% / –15%, with the frequency of 50 Hz ± 1 Hz;
  • power consumption: no more than 100 W;
  • electrical safety class 1 in accordance with GOST;
  • the "starting" pulse voltage: from –0.2V to –6V;
  • operating temperature range: from + 5°С to + 50°С;
  • relative air humidity: up to 100% at a temperature of + 25°С;
  • atmospheric pressure: from 84 to 107 kPa (from 630 to 800 mm Hg);
  • overall dimensions, in mm (WxHxD): 480x180x240;
  • weight: not more than 9 kg;
  • protection class provided by the body in accordance with GOST 14254: IP20.

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